Coronavirus – Member Update
As the Coronavirus continues to escalate, we are issuing the following urgent guidance. This is due to the main age demographic of our membership being in a significantly higher risk group. This advice equally applies to all Freemasons.
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan City, China in December 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes COVID-19 more severely affects older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes).
Whilst each unit may decide for itself what precautions it may wish to take, the Grand Lodge of Ireland strongly suggests you follow this advice:
- If you or a family member are showing signs of illness, please do not attend your meetings/Masonic Gatherings and follow this link for guidance.
- We recommend that members consider refraining from any physical contact within the ceremonies, before or after meetings. Given the tactile nature of many ceremonies, if you or candidates are concerned about how they can take place with little or no physical contact, while maintaining their meaning and impact, you may even wish to consider postponing the ceremony until the situation has improved.
- Minimise mass shared transport (i.e. coaches) to meetings.
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after meetings for 20 seconds with hot water.
- This advice stands whether you do or do not wear gloves during your ceremonies.
If you are worried about a fellow member, please keep in contact with them via the phone and text to keep an eye on their wellbeing.