Royal Arch Chapter of Research 222
The Chapter was constituted on the 29th April 1978 for the association of Installed and Past Kings, who are subscribing members of the Royal Arch Chapters under the Irish Constitution, to encourage research into the History, Antiquities, Symbols and Ceremonies of the Order, by means of papers on such subjects and also by discussion.
Three Stated Convocations are held each year, one on the second Saturday in October, and two at varying centres in the Districts as announced.
The objects of the Chapter will be greatly advanced if Companions who have knowledge of any articles or literature of Masonic interest in their Chapter or District will communicate particulars of same to the Registrar.
A Correspondence Circle exists in connection with the Chapter for Companions in Good Masonic Standing and applications for membership, in writing, should be set to the Registrar, using the Contact form below, stating applicants full name, number and Constitution of his Royal Arch Chapter.
Correspondence Circle members may attend the Stated Convocations of the Chapter, as Associates, and will be cordially welcome. Companions of Irish Chapters, who are members of the Correspondence Circle, on becoming Installed Kings, should apply at once for Full membership of the Chapter.